The beginning of exploration

the exploration of Earth by Daneel

1 The beginning of exploration

“Foundation Dreams”

Part 1
the exploration of Earth by Daneel

Chapter 1
The beginning of exploration

“Mankind has wandered from the trees to the plains, from the plains to the seacoast, from climate to climate, from continent to continent, and from habit of life to habit of life. When man ceases to wander, he will cease to ascend in the scale of being. Physical wandering is still important, but greater still is the power of man’s spiritual adventures—adventures of thought, adventures of passionate feeling, adventures of aesthetic experience. A diversification among human communities is essential for the provision of the incentive and material for the Odyssey of the human spirit. Other nations of different habits are not enemies: “Science and the Modern World” by ‘North Whitehead’”

Daneel Olivaw remembered the words of a philosopher on the ancient earth in a little sleep. As a person who has been released from the position of Chancellor, he knew his next mission, how to take over the responsiveness of his ally Giskard and support humanity in the dark ages of the upcoming stagnation.

Hari Seldon, who reminds me of Elijah Baley, who I met on Earth 20,000 years ago, is also aging. I need a successor instead of him . Dors takes care of Seldon.
I was witnessing the remnants of the sea that Elijah was still there at that time. Let’s find the star with that sea. I’m sure that sea is on a certain star.

yatcha john s. “The beginning of exploration” “Dream of Foundation” Chapter 1

