Title:Dors and the orphan Raych
Foundation Dreams
Part 4
Storm is brewing
Section 3
Dors and the orphan Raych
Chapter 23
Daneel:It seems Alurin has safely returned the other Dors to the planet Terminus. Your work seems to have come to an end.
Dors:You’re still as mechanical as ever. How could you be the Chancellor of the Empire and Hari’s friend?
Daneel:That’s a greeting. I created you on this planet. But maybe you’re my own failure. Aren’t you more than a human woman?
After finding the orphan Raych in a slum, I adopted him and raised his daughter Wonda to be a fine leader of the second Foundation.
Now, “The Edge of the Stars” is functioning well enough without her. And when you were dysfunctional and separated from Hari, even though you looked after Hari from behind the scenes, Wanda grew to be more than just a right hand man to Hari.
By the way, Dors, why is it a coincidence that the other Dors has the same name?
Dors:When we were sending them to Earth, while Gaal Dornick was sleeping, Wanda cried out in surprise as we were carrying him to the Sympathic Harvey. “Grandma, Dors.”
Daneel:I see, so after his sensitivity was awakened on Earth, that name was imprinted on his subconscious, and when he had a daughter, he named her that.
But even so, she looks just like you. She may be an even greater “cosmic woman” than you.
The will of the universe may be so great that it is incomparable to my and Giskard’s “Law of the Zeroth” which is equal to a grain of rice! (Data from an analysis of a recorder installed in a corner of a hospital on the planet Ios: a rare example of a robot being recorded speaking human language.)
Painting: Thomas Benjamin Kennington – Orphans.jpg