The Time Vault

Storm is brewing

The Time Vault

Galaxy 20,000 Years Later Series

Foundation Dreams

Part Four: Storm is Brewing
Section 4

Chapter 24

(The backstory of adopting Raych as a son, although not included in the text, should also mention that Dors discovered his psychic empathic abilities.)

Dors:Salvor_chan , it was truly remarkable. The scene that left the members of the Dictionary Compilation Committee speechless was extraordinary! It’s as if the power has already shifted to the mayor.

Salvor Hardin:Please refrain from calling me “chan”! I am already the top politician of Terminus.

Dors: Nevertheless, I was deeply moved. To see Hari Seldon as a hologram was a momentous occasion for me. After all, I had only seen my grandfather in photographs before! I had two other reasons for coming to see you. Firstly, Hari mentioned “the edge of stars” and the Second Foundation. Were you aware of it?

Hardin:The Second Foundation?

Dors: Even if it is an important event for the future, I am focused solely on my current mission. I have learned from your mother and father. In thirty years, a real crisis will arise. It is time to test the military strategy learned from my mother. The fate of the Foundation lies in the Synnax method. To deceive the enemy, one must start with allies. Hari also employed this tactic.

Dors: Did you know all of this?It seems my parents had high expectations of you!

Furthermore, the second reason is that I would like to adopt your second daughter, Gladia.

Hardin: I would gladly agree. In fact, she intends the same. We have been waiting for your proposal. You have two shimmering cylinders. I assume you intend to give one of them to my daughter.

Dors: Oh! You knew about that too.

To be continued ...

If anyone among you can speak Japanese, please refer to this.
皆様の中で 日本語ができる人がいたらこれを参考にしてください

